Thursday, April 24, 2014
Tips Penulisan Efektif :)
Assalamualaikum n Hi :)
So, kali ni, I would like to share my opinions n tips for writing a good essay.... I'am SPM 2012 leavers and Alhamdulillah I scored A+ in Bahasa, ade beberape 'rahsia' sebenarnye dalam menulis karangan ni n sblm ape2, sry sbb gune bahase here is my tips :
Ade 2 perkare yang kite kene 'tawan' dalam diri pemeriksa kertas iaitu 'fikiran' dan 'hati'...kita dapat 'kuasai fikiran pemeriksa dengan persembahan karangan, mcm kekemasan tulisan, panjang karangan, dan keseragaman....sbnrnye, for SPM my teachers once said that karangan mesti melebihi 4 muka surat...MESTI..sbb nk tackle 'fikiran' pemeriksa,..first impression pemeriksa akan menetukan gred karangan......untuk dapat 'hati' pemeriksa pulak, karangan msti la padu, tidak menimbulkan sebarang persoalan...n aq cadangkan utk gune fakta2 dalam karangan...ingat beberape fakta yang umum untuk dimasukkan dalam karangan...masukkan peribahasa dll....n yang paling penting, gaya penulisan..kalau dah masukkan semua elemen yang hebat2 tpi cara penyampaian tak seberape, mmg x jadi kene slalu pratice n tgk karangan org n buat penambaikkan...rajen2 la surf internet, bace artikel, serap seberapa banyak informasi...n the best thing is gunekan isu2 semasa dalam karangan so pemeriksa boleh relate n there u go, u won their heart.....
So, kali ni, I would like to share my opinions n tips for writing a good essay.... I'am SPM 2012 leavers and Alhamdulillah I scored A+ in Bahasa, ade beberape 'rahsia' sebenarnye dalam menulis karangan ni n sblm ape2, sry sbb gune bahase here is my tips :
Ade 2 perkare yang kite kene 'tawan' dalam diri pemeriksa kertas iaitu 'fikiran' dan 'hati'...kita dapat 'kuasai fikiran pemeriksa dengan persembahan karangan, mcm kekemasan tulisan, panjang karangan, dan keseragaman....sbnrnye, for SPM my teachers once said that karangan mesti melebihi 4 muka surat...MESTI..sbb nk tackle 'fikiran' pemeriksa,..first impression pemeriksa akan menetukan gred karangan......untuk dapat 'hati' pemeriksa pulak, karangan msti la padu, tidak menimbulkan sebarang persoalan...n aq cadangkan utk gune fakta2 dalam karangan...ingat beberape fakta yang umum untuk dimasukkan dalam karangan...masukkan peribahasa dll....n yang paling penting, gaya penulisan..kalau dah masukkan semua elemen yang hebat2 tpi cara penyampaian tak seberape, mmg x jadi kene slalu pratice n tgk karangan org n buat penambaikkan...rajen2 la surf internet, bace artikel, serap seberapa banyak informasi...n the best thing is gunekan isu2 semasa dalam karangan so pemeriksa boleh relate n there u go, u won their heart.....
Pantun Menguji IQ
Terbang tinggi si burung helang
Hinggap di atas pohon meranti
Anak ramai ibunya seorang,
Bila bergesel berapi-rapi?
Jawapan: Mancis
Ada tubuh ada tangan,
Tiada kepala tiada kaki;
Sangat berguna waktu hujan,
Apakah dia yang dimaksudkan ini.
Jawapan: Baju Hujan
Buah budi bidara mengkal
Masak sebiji di tepi pantai
Hilang budi bicara akal
Buah apa tidak bertangkai?
Jawapan: Buah Hati
Budak-budak ramai di pekan
Hari raya membakar petas
Kalau adik pandai kiasan
Apakah buah gugur ke atas?
Jawapan: Buah Melaka
Tinggi duduk di atas sekali,
Bukan bulan bukan matahari;
Bila malam ia berseri,
Bila siang ia berganti.
Jawapan: Bintang
Tarik pukat dari pangkalan,
Gula Melaka dibuat inti;
Bila diikat ia berjalan,
Bila dibuka ia berhenti?
Jawapan: Kasut Bertali
Cik Limah bersama anak lelaki
Duduk makan keropok lekor
Yang mengejar tidak berkaki,
Yang dikejar tiada berekor?
Jawapan: Ular Dan Katak
Hinggap di atas pohon meranti
Anak ramai ibunya seorang,
Bila bergesel berapi-rapi?
Jawapan: Mancis
Ada tubuh ada tangan,
Tiada kepala tiada kaki;
Sangat berguna waktu hujan,
Apakah dia yang dimaksudkan ini.
Jawapan: Baju Hujan
Buah budi bidara mengkal
Masak sebiji di tepi pantai
Hilang budi bicara akal
Buah apa tidak bertangkai?
Jawapan: Buah Hati
Budak-budak ramai di pekan
Hari raya membakar petas
Kalau adik pandai kiasan
Apakah buah gugur ke atas?
Jawapan: Buah Melaka
Tinggi duduk di atas sekali,
Bukan bulan bukan matahari;
Bila malam ia berseri,
Bila siang ia berganti.
Jawapan: Bintang
Tarik pukat dari pangkalan,
Gula Melaka dibuat inti;
Bila diikat ia berjalan,
Bila dibuka ia berhenti?
Jawapan: Kasut Bertali
Cik Limah bersama anak lelaki
Duduk makan keropok lekor
Yang mengejar tidak berkaki,
Yang dikejar tiada berekor?
Jawapan: Ular Dan Katak
Pergi umrah setiap tahun,
Moga sentiasa murah rezeki
Dalam batang ada daun,
Dalam daun ada isi?
Jawapan: Lemang
Bila kecil boleh ditiup,
Sudah besar janganlah lagi,
Kalau tercucuk ia meletup,
Kalau terlepas terbangnya tinggi.
Jawapan: Belon
Mulut manis hati nak baik,
Itulah amalan turun temurun;
Benda apa yang akan naik,
Apabila saja hujan turun.
Jawapan : Payung
Walau dibungkus bukan kiriman,
Sudah takdir tuhan yang satu,
Meski ditanam bukan tanaman,
Cubalah teka apakah itu?
Jawapan: Mayat
Moga sentiasa murah rezeki
Dalam batang ada daun,
Dalam daun ada isi?
Jawapan: Lemang
Bila kecil boleh ditiup,
Sudah besar janganlah lagi,
Kalau tercucuk ia meletup,
Kalau terlepas terbangnya tinggi.
Jawapan: Belon
Mulut manis hati nak baik,
Itulah amalan turun temurun;
Benda apa yang akan naik,
Apabila saja hujan turun.
Jawapan : Payung
Walau dibungkus bukan kiriman,
Sudah takdir tuhan yang satu,
Meski ditanam bukan tanaman,
Cubalah teka apakah itu?
Jawapan: Mayat
Hidup aman di dalam kota,
Ada pemimpin bernama raja;
Buruh-buruh rajin bekerja,
Askar bertugas setiap masa.
Jawapan: Anai-anai/Semut
Ada pemimpin bernama raja;
Buruh-buruh rajin bekerja,
Askar bertugas setiap masa.
Jawapan: Anai-anai/Semut
Peranan Keluarga Dan Rakan Sebaya Dalam Menyemai Nilai Murni Dalam Kalangan Remaja
Dalam meniti lembaran abad baharu ini,
masalah social dalam kalangan remaja seperti merokok, melepak, mencuri dan
merempit kian membarah dan saban tahun meningkat. Namun, semua pihak hanya
bijak menunding jari menyalahkan pihak yang lain daripada bermusyawarah mencari
jalan penyelesaian kepada masalah yang kian meruncing ini. “ Pemuda harapan
bangsa, pemudi tiang Negara”, “pemuda penggerak ekonomi masa hadapan”. Laungan
di atas cukup sinonim kepada keluarga
dan masyarakat, tetapi sejuah mana usaha yang dilaksanakan oleh pihak uang
terbabit? Oleh itu saya berpendapat bahawa keluarga, rakan sebaya, masyarakat
serta pendidikan agama dan moral mesti menggerakkan peranan masing-masing
kerana kita tidak mahu menunggu nasi sudah menjadi bubur baru hendak
terkial-kial memikirkan tindakan yang perlu diaplikasikan.
Keluarga berperanan menunjukkan suri teladan
yang baik kepada para remaja terutamanya ibu bapa yang merupakan mursyid dalam
keluarga. Menerusi konteks teladan dan contoh yang baik, ibu bapa mesti menjadi
peran contohan atau “role model” kerana ke mana tumpahnya kuah kalau tak ke
nasi? Selain itu, ibu bapa perlu mentarbiah anak-anak ramaja menggunakan
pendekatan Ali bin Abi Talib R.A, sahabat Rasullullah S.A.W langkahnya ialah
ibu bapa perlu berkawan dengan anak- anak remaja pada tujuh tahun ketiga iaitu
dalam lingkungan umur 14 hingga 21. Jika kita telusuri pendekatan ini, ibu bapa
sememangnya pihak yang paling dominin berkawan dengan remaja kerana para remaja
akan berasa dihargai dan tidak disisihkan oleh keluarga . Profesor Diraja Ungku
Aziz menyatakan bahawa rumah merupakan universiti pertama dan ibu bapa
merupakan professor pertama mereka. Oleh itu, melentur buluh biarlah dari
rebungnya kerana anak-anak remaja masih lagi melalui proses pencerapan
nilai-nilai murni daripada ibu bapa.
Di samping itu, rakan sebaya mempunyai
pengaruh yang kuat terhadap perubahan karakter para remaja. Penyataan ini
dikuatkan lagi dengan sebuah hadis Rasullullah S.A.W yang bermaksud ,
“berkawanlah kamu dengan penjual minyak wangi supaya kamu akan mendapat
wangiannya , tetapi sekiranya kamu berkawan dengan tukang besi , nescaya ia
akan membakar bajumu”. Hal ini bermaksud sekiranya remaja memilih rakan yang
baik dan berakhlak mulia, maka mereka akan bahagia tetapi sekiranya mereka
berkawan dengan kaki botol, kaki lepak dan kaki judi, maka lembah kebinasaan
akan menunggu mereka dan menghancurkan masa depan mereka. Krekeria rakan sebaya
yang baik ialah mereka yang mengaplikasikan konsep amal makruf naïf mungkar
yang bermaksud menyeru kepada kebaikan dan mencegah kemungkaran serta
kemaksiatan. Selain itu, rakan sebaya yang baik akan berkongsi masalah dengan
para remaja. Kita sudah sedia maklum bahawa terdapat segelintir remaja yang
malu untuk berkongsi masalah dengan ibu bapa. Kontradiksinya, mereka akan memilih
rakan untuk meluahkan kesedihan dan masalah mereka. Oleh itu, remaja tidak akan
memendam masalah yang dihadapi sekali gus menghasilkan remaja yang tenang dan
berupaya menghadapi rintangan.
Selanjutnya, masyarakat setempat turut
menjadi pemangkin kepada kesejahteraan dan pembentukan peribadi syumul para
remaja. Peribahasa “bulat air kerana pembentung, bulat manusia kerana muafakat”
menerangkan betapa pentingnya masyarakat yang berkerjasama dalam memintas
perlakuan negatif para remaja yang jiwanya mudah bergolak. Prakarsa pragmatik
masyarakat setempat ini perlu dilaksanakan menerusi penubuhan ‘Rukun Tetangga’
yang berperanan sebagai jentera yang mencegah perbuatan songsang remaja
daripada terus bermaharajalela. Perbuatan ini akan membuat rondaan terutamanya
pada waktu malam bagi menyekat kehendak nafsu remaja untuk menjalankan kegiatan
hedonism mereka. Tambahan lagi, masyaralat madani seyogia mengaplikasikan
pendekatan gotong-royong serta program ilmiah di masjid-masjid bagi remaja yang
beragama Islam. Program-program ini dapat mengeratkan hubungan silaturahim
antara remaja dengan masyarakat. Oleh itu, masyarakat perlu memanifestasikan
anjakan paradigma remaja melalui program yang bermanfaat agar diri remaja tidak
menjadi bosan dan memberontak.
Seterusnya, pendidikan agama dan moral
merupakan suatu bidang yang boleh melandaskan anak-anak pada landasan yang
benar. Namun, pencadangam tanpa pelaksanaan ibarat projek gajah putih yang
terbengkalai tidak mampu membimbing para remaja menjadi remaja yang beriman.
Oleh itu, pendidikan agama dan moral daripada ibu bapa perlu diterapkan kepada
remaja yang pada hakikatnya amat dahagakan ilmu kerohanian. Ibu bapa perlu
mengajar anak- anak bersolat kerana Allah berfirman di dalam al-Quran yang
bermaksud “solat itu mencegah daripada perbuatan yang keji dan mungkar”. Selain
itu, ibu bapa perlu tegas dalam persoalan agama seperti cara berpakaian
anak-anak remaja. Mereka seyogianya memastikan anak-anak terdidik supaya
menutup aurat. Kes-kes rogol yang berlaku kepada remaja perempuan berakar umbi
daripada pendedahan aurat mereka yang merangsang nafsu lelaki. Dalam konteks
pendidikan di sekolah pula, remaja mesti didedahkan kepada pemupukan
nilai-nilai murni sebanyak mungkin menerusi pendidikan agama dan moral.
Hasilnya, remaja yang bermaruah dan berketerampilan mampu ditingkatkan di
Negara kita.
Konklusinya, semua pihak mesti bersendal
bahu memastikan usaha mereka berterusan dalam pembentukan sahsiah remaja yang
baik kerana merekalah yang akan
mengemudi Negara kita ke mercu kejayaan. Ingatlah betapa sesungguhnya remaja
yang berkaliber dan bersahsiah tinggi akan membawa anjakan dan lonjakan ekonomi
kepada Negara pada masa akan datang. Mahukah kita melihat kehancuran akhlak
remaja di Negara ini dan hanya menunding jari menyalahkan pihak yang lain. Oleh
itu, saya berpendapat bahawa remaja yang baik akan menjadikan Negara kita aman
dan tenteram. Bimbinglah remaja demi kemaslahatan kita semua.
Thursday, May 2, 2013
Millenium Eden
“Millenium Eden”
On screen, planet Earth is a huge shadow with only a few dim pinpoints of brightness, less numerous than last year. In all of its cities, the lights had gone out more than three decades ago, a downward spiral which our onboard scientists predict will lead to complete darkness within a year or so, as the last small pockets of survivalists expire along with their support systems. Seen from the Hubble IX Space Station, bustling with 144,000 expatriots, Earth seems no more than a huge and strangely antiseptic partner in the midst of an emptiness more vast than our minds can conceive. The Hubble cannot hold nor support more than its current population. Those people remaining on Earth are doomed to extinction and we are helpless to intervene.
Space station is a term which does no justice to what we have here. This round hub, this wheel in space, is a colony, a small city comprising 522 modules, a fully functional, self-replicating and self-repairing life support system for all of those who live within. Not quite silent, the white noise of air scrubbers is ever present all around us. One side of the wheel, with its covering of photoelectric cells, always directly faces the sun when we are not on the dark side of Earth. Small rockets are never felt as they pulse and keep Hubble IX precisely in its prescribed eliptical orbit at an average altitude of 230 miles above Earth's surface, and traveling at an average velocity of 17,227 miles per hour, completing 15.7 orbits per day. This space station will remain precisely on orbital schedule one thousand years from now, or ten thousand years if need be, and 144,000 people, descendents of those we know today, will be safely onboard. Zero population growth is mandated. As one person passes away, one new child will be allowed. Like the air and water and food, the people will be recycled. It can work. It must work. We have a task to accomplish, and we will get the job done.
Standing next to me, his eyes glued to this same futile screen, is none other than the venerable Jules Gabriel Verne, plucked from February 16, 1886, less than one month before he would be shot in the left leg by his 25-year-old nephew Gaston. Jules is 58 years young, and we will return him to his own time so he won't miss gaining his famous limp on the 9th of (his) next month. Our very secret Temporal Transit Facility (TTF) remains unknown to all but a select few aboard the space station. Jules made the trip very well. My knowledge of French makes it possible for me to converse with him because his rendering of English is archaic and completely beyond my comprehension. Before he returns to his own time, Jules will be sworn to secrecy regarding this visit and what he sees here.
For many decades, the leading edge of technology worked in secret, a dark occupation known only to an elite few. The first TTF was operational at the end of the 20th century, back in the years when Earth was mostly non-toxic. Within a few decades, machine intelligence surpassed human intelligence, leading to The Singularity — technological change so rapid and profound it represented a rupture in the fabric of human history. Technological growth excreted growing toxic waste which went largely unnoted and unchecked. Oh, here and there, people viewed small communities where odd illnesses cropped up. Deaths and illnesses were blamed on wastes coming from local industries, and no one thought much about it. Over the decades of the 21st century, scholars noted an escalation of toxicity in the earth, waters, and in the atmosphere. As early as 2013, contamination caused by 250 million tons of hazardous waste generated annually was mounting a major threat to public health. Early reports indicated polluted and contaminated surface, ground, and drinking water supplies as well as significant increases in cancer rates. There were 5,400 toxic waste sites at Federal facilities alone. Unregulated industrial processes were blamed for improper disposition of waste into municipal dumps, landfills, and ponds. Environmental protection laws failed because of lack of enforcement on the part of governments. By the final years of the 21st century, we saw pandemics sweep the land as environmental toxicity overwelmed immune systems of living creatures. By then, the process of extinction could not be halted, and the only solution was the Hubble IX Program.
The timeline of developing technology goes back as far as 2400 BC when the abacus, the first known calculator, was invented in Babylonia. When Mr. Verne wrote Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea, about a submarine journey, it was no fantasy. The mechanical submarine was invented during the lifetime of Jules Verne, by Narcis Monturiol i Estarriol in 1862. But, here, Jules will tell you himself:
"The regulatory agency for this space colony will not allow me to see my own completed life history since I am being returned to an ongoing life. I wonder if I will live to see the dawn of the 20th century? Technology is evolving speedily in my own time and it seems to be accelerating as each invention spawns startling new innovations faster than we can keep track of them. And I can see that even my imagination never saw an inkling of how technology would change the world. As I stand here in the command module of Hubble IX, viewing a dying world, one thing becomes clear. The many-headed hydra of technology is a voraciously hungry beast which gobbles planetary resources at an ever increasing pace while exhaling its toxic breath into the air and excreting its toxic wastes into the earth and its waters. But I am aghast that this has brought about the extinction of life on such a lovely planet. It will be difficult to remain silent about this revelation when I am returned to my own time. Here on this space colony named Hubble IX, the current date is reckoned to be June 20, 2211, only a mere 345 years beyond my own time. But even if I went back and warned the powers-that-be, they would only lock me up in some dank asylum for the raving insane. I will keep silent, as I have done in the past. You see, my fanciful stories, with a few added flourishes, were actually notes from my own journals and diaries. I knew people would never accept them as true accounts, just as they would never believe what I am witnessing here on this space station."
When he is returned to his own time, we have no doubt that Jules Verne will honor his oath of secrecy. In his writings, however, he may leave hints and scholars reading his works may be prompted to be more alert to hazards and solutions.
Unknown to most aboard the good ship Hubble IX, we do have an eventual destination. Many generations of "sailors" will pass away before we come to port, for our voyage may last a thousand or ten thousand years. Shuttles will probe the air and water and earth as centuries pass and Nature slowly purges the toxicity of mankind from her body. Special attention will be centered on one area of the planet. When the time is right, shuttles will convey our 144,000 colonists back to Earth for a new beginning. The "fertile crescent" refers to an ancient area of fertile soil and important rivers stretching in an arc from the Nile to the Tigris and Euphrates. It covers Israel, Lebanon, Jordan, Syria, and Iraq. The Mediterranean lies on the outside edge of the arc. To the south of the arc is the Arabian Desert. On the east, the fertile crescent extends to the Persian Gulf. Geologically, this corresponds with where Iranian, African, and Arabian tectonic plates meet. As was the case in ancient times, this is a fitting place to begin a new civilization.
And our first city will be called Eden..
[ I found this essay while surfing about the earth's problem, all credits goes to the writer]
Wednesday, April 3, 2013
Biography of Mr. Zainuddin
About Mr. Zainuddin
Mr. Zainuddin is a local Klanginte . His early education started at SK Batu Belah, Klang. Then, He continued his study at secondary school of SM Tinggi Klang. After having a good result in SPM, he continued his journey becoming a lawyer at ITM Shah Alam. Realizing his ambition of becoming a lawyer could not be reached, he decided to become a teacher. Therefore, he enrolled at Maktab MPTKL and finally at Universiti Pertanian Malaysia. He graduates from UPM in 1987 with a degree in education.
Mr. Zainuddin has always enjoyed working as a teacher since 1977. Teaching Bahasa Melayu subject is sure tough for a romantic person like him. Born on 29 Mac 1954, he find his experience in life makes him a sage man. At the age of 57 years old, he has taught about 6 schools including SM Methodist Banting, SMK Teluk Panglima Garang, SMK Seksyen 18 Shah Alam, SM Agama Tinggi Hisamuddin, SMK Telok Gadung Klang and finally SMK Bandar Baru Sultan Suleiman. Among of them, he enjoyed his teaching years the most at Sekolah Agama Menengah Agama Tinggi Hishamuddin in Klang because all of the students are females.
Due to an excellent performance in his teaching profesion, he was gained quick promoted to become a head language department. Then, he was again promotion to be the vice principal of Co-Curriculum at SM Telok Gadang. During his service in SM Bandar Baru Sultan Sulaiman, Klang, he hold the position of vice principal of students affair. Due to his excellent performance in the teaching field, he was appointed to held the position of language officer at PPD Klang. Finally he was transferred to this school in 2011, SMK Jeram as the vice principal of students affair replacing Pn. Hajah Mariah Bt. Syarie.
Everyone has an idol for their inspiration and for him, he really admires Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad which is Malaysia’s former prime minister. Like most people, he also has performed haj. He performed it on 2009 at the age of 54 years old. His marriage is blessed with 7 children. His youngest children is 15 years old and the eldest is 33 years old.
Of all actors, he goes for Sanjay Dutt which is a famous Bollywood’s actor. Despite his masculine looks, he adores the cute and funny cartoon character, Donald Duck. Interestingly he has been travelling to various countries worldwide such as The Great Britain, England, Switzerland, Italy, France, China, and India. Among the countries, he really like touring in Italy because it has a lot of romantic and historical places such as ‘The Coliseum’.
Surprisingly, his other hobby is dreaming. To him, the light of starry dreams will open the path of someone’s success. He believes that everything starts with a single dream. He always takes a good care of his appearance. For shirt, he likes to wear the branded one. He also loves to wear colorful socks with brown stylish shoes.Moreover, he is a big fan of modern technology. He owns a Galaxy Tab 10.1 and enjoys using it because it can support bundle of application and user friendly.
He also owns an elegant car, Toyota Wish. He mastered a few basic skills of repairing cars such as tires changing. Like the others, he loves to draw while in school and among the sports, he likes badminton. Regrettably, he never wins any sport games while in school. He also loves the fantasy genre of movie and classical for musicA good eating habit is his secret of maintaining health. He loves to drink less sugar of Teh Tarik and eat curry mee.For the newspaper, he likes to read Utusan Malaysia and The Stars.
‘Whenever I go, I have one best friend’, he replied when asked about his best friend. He befriends all the teachers in school. One of his best friends is Pn. Fadilah, a discipline teacher. From Pn. Fadilah’s point of view, Mr. Zainudin is a funny and ‘silly’ man. She said that he concern too much about things around him particularly of the students and teachers. However, she claimed that Mr. Zainudin is a good friend although they only spend time together for in a few months. She likes to call him an ‘old man’. Mr. Zainudin doesn’t like to be called an old man but he can’t do anything about it since it is an undeniable fact. On top of that, she state that Mr. Zainuddin is a nice and open-minded man. Lastly, she describe Mr. Zainuddin as a very naughty old man.
As a person who has contributed 35 years teaching in school he claims that teenagers nowadays are prone get involved in the negative activities as their religion knowledge is lacking. His advice is the parents should play their role in educating their children in producing a dynamic society.
Unfortunately, he is retiring on 26/3/2012 which is happens to be in the week to come. The students in SMK Jeram will always miss him because he is the only teacher who has surpassed Mr. Sweeden and Ustaz Haji Kamil’s popularity. All the students in SMK Jeram really likes him. He has successfully transformed SMK Jeram to a brighten school. Sadly, it’s been said that he will leave SMK Jeram and there is nothing can stop it. The students in SMK Jeram will always pray the best for him.
*Sorry for the grammatical error and other mistakes*
The Unresolved Mystery
The unresolved mystery
A long time ago, there was a small town called Kemboja. The town was very peaceful and beautiful. The air was so fresh and the residents are lived in harmony and unity. The residents believe that A chain is no stronger than its weakest link. At the edge of the town, there was an old decrepit creepy house. According to the residents, there was an old women lived there before. Nobody care about the house after she died. Every why has a wherefore, the residents believed that the old women was a sorceress. Until now, none of the residents are dares to go there.
One day, there was a group of University Malaya’s students came to the town. They want to complete their final task there. They have to write up a thesis on paranormal activity there. The students are Amat, Mamat and sally as the group leader. They lived at Amat’s uncle, Wak Ali for the time being. On the first day, they asked several residents about the old house at the edge of the town. ‘Good morning sir, may I ask u something’, Sally’s asked one of the residents, Pak Mail at a stall. ‘Sure my dear’, Pak Mail’s replied with his heart leapt for joy. ‘Did u know anything about an old house at the edge of this town?’, Sally asked.’ Do you lose your mind? Don’t. be nincompoop to go there!’. Unfortunately, she was flittered away by Pak Mail. The same went for Amat and Mamat. They make up one’s mind to ask the mayor, Mr.Kasim.
Finally, Mr.Kasim decides to tell them about the old house. The mayor told them that none of the residents are dares to pass by the old house. The mayors forbid them to go there because he don’t want something bad happens to them.
Stolen fruit is the sweetest; they went to the old house at night without telling anybody. They brought a machete, torchlight, high resolution camera and other sophisticated gadgets to prove the existence of ghosts. They were so curious about the old house. After reached the house, they walked around the house nervously. The situation there was so dark and the bushes grew wildly. They have to cut off the bushes using the machete.
Suddenly, sally saw a shadow behind a huge shady tree. She was so frighten and telled Mamat and Mamat about her what she just saw. ‘Did u saw that?, sally asked shakenly. ‘I didn’t saw anything except this wildly bushes around us’, Mamat replied. ‘ I just saw a shadow behind that shady tree’, sally continued. ‘Come on, we have to make a beeline for our mission’ Amat replied. After that, they enter the house with curious and worried. The doors locked down by its own when they enter the house. Then, the rains fall cats and dogs while the grey clouds blanketed the sky. The storm brewing. They were so freighted. Sally screamed and she was fainted. Amat and mamat were full of worries. They are now trapped in the haunted house. They saw the trees were slamming their branches against each other as the storm raged in all its fury through a window. Their hearts were flattered with fear.
After that, thet heared a voice of an enraged voice of a women said ‘ What do you want here?!’ ‘ we wanted to make a research here’ Amat replied with distressed voice. ‘You have intrude my house!, now feel my wrath!’ the voice shouted angrily. ‘ Please, I’m begging you don’t harm us’ Mamat replied petrifily. Then, the situation remain calm, tall coconut trees were dancing to the rhythm of the winds. A few minutes later, Sally regain his conscious. Amat and mamat prop up Sally to find a way out.
They think that there must be another way out. They felt that something is follow them when they were walking. When amat turn to back, he saw a body without head stared him. The body looks very terrible with worms and flies on it. The body’s smell will make a flower lose its freshness and drop. Amat screamed loudly and they ran to a small room nearby. Unfortunately, sally felt and cought by the body. Then its disappear with sally. Amat and Sally tried to find sally everywhere because they believes that Diligence is the mother of good fortune. Unfortunately, sally was no found. After that, an old woman holding a wooden stick with an ugly dark clothes suddenly appear in front of them. That old women’s face was so horrendous even worse than a zombie face.
Amat and mamat stood root to the ground. They can’t open their mouth or run away like something is holding them. The old women then stared at mamat and amat with her red big creepy eyes. Mamat recite the Al- fatihah chapter and the old women disappear. Then, they saw a door open widely in front of them. They ran to the door blissfully. However, they did not found sally. They decide to tell the mayor and Pak Ali about the incident. After heard it, pa k ali and mr.kasim went to the haunted house to save sally. Pak ali recite one of the al quran verse while mr.kassim round the house to find sally with her. After a few minutes, the terrible thing happen, there was a sound like a women screamed loudly gasping for help. Then, Pak Ali and mr.kassim told amat and mamat to move aside. After finished recite the al quran verse, sally ran fastly towards them. Then, they bring sally to mr.kassim’s house. At mr.kassim house, sally was suddenly missing. Then, they heared a loud voice say ‘ Don’t’ mess with me or u will be end up a dead meat like your friend’. Then the mysterious voice disappear. Mr. kassim told them that sally cannot be saved anymore. He also told amat and mamat that they have to learnt to walk before they run. Amat and mamat apologized to Pak Ali and mr.kassim on went to the haunted house without telling them. Pak Ali advised them that discretion is the better part of velour.
They have to listen to the advice before taking an action. Pak ali and Mr.kassim accept their apologized because a fault confessed is half dressed. ‘a burnt child dreads the fire and let bygones by bygones’, Pak Ali said to them. on the next day, the news about sally’s missing has spread out of the entire town because bad news travel fast.
Until now, nobody knows where did sally gone and what did happen to her. Did she alive? The mystery about the missing sally remains unresolved mystery.
I made this essay about 2 years ago, so there is a lot of mistakes here and there~~
Tuesday, April 2, 2013
Kepentingan Sektor Pertanian
I made this essay by my own.... and it was published on school's magazine.....I know its not good enough~~
Kepentingan Sektor Pertanian
ini, kepentingan sektor pertanian terhadap pembangunan sesebuah negara tidak
dapat dinafikan lagi. Hal ini kerana industri ini mendatangkan pelbagai
manfaat. Di Malaysia, industri pertanian ini mula dibangunkan secara lebih
proaktif pada era pemerintahan Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi menerusi Rancangan
Malaysia (ke-5). Pada ketika ini sahaja, Malaysia telah dapat membangun dengan
pesat seiring dengan kemajuan dalam industri pertanian. Kebanyakan
Negara-negara maju dunia telah menyedari akan kepentingan industri pertanian.
Sebagai contoh, negara China kini gah sebagai antara pengeluar utama produk
pertanian di dunia. Jika ditelusuri dengan lebih mendalam, undustri pertanian ini
mampu mengubah taraf sesebuah negara. Jelaslah bahawa industri pertanian ini
mendatangkan ribuan manfaat kepada mereka yang gigih memajukannya.
Antara faedah industri adalah dapat
meningkatkan pendapatan negara. Pada tahun 2006 sahaja, Malaysia telah
mengeksport produk pertanian bernilai (RM 71024 billion) dan (RM 108.102
billion) pada tahun 2008. Pulangan yang diperolehi negara melalui industri
pertanian meningkat saban tahun. Hal ini kerana kebanyakan Negara-negara yang
lain hanya mementingkan kemajuan dalam aspek infrastruktur tanpa menyedari
bahawa Negara mereka telah kekurangan tanah untuk bercucuk tanam. Suatu ketika
dahulu, Malaysia pernah bergelar pengeksport utama getah di rantau Asia. Usaha
memajukan sektor pertanian ini perlulah dijalankan secara istiqamah dan
janganlah hanya seperti melepaskan batuk di tangga. Salah satu produk pertanian
yang popular di Malaysia adalah teh. Kerancakan penanaman teh di
kawasan-kawasan tanah tinggi seperti di Cameron Highland telah mengangkat nama
Malaysia sebagai salah satu Negara pengeluar teh berkualiti tinngi di asia. Tegasnya,
industry pertanian ini sememangnya mampu meningkatkan pendapatan sesebuah
Seterusnya, industri pertanian ini
mampu menambah peluang pekerjaan. Industri pertanian ini sebenarnya mampu
menyelesaikan masalah pengangguran yang menghantui rakyat Malaysia ketika ini.
Menteri Pertanian dan Asas Hani, Dato’ Seri Noh Omar berkata, kementriannya
telah menjalankan projek permulaan (EPP) yang memberi penekanan kepada tiga
sebab utama iaitu rumpai laut, ikan hiasan dan burung walit. Projek tersebut
mampu menyediakan sebanyak 75000 peluang pekerjaan. Pada masa yang sama, rakyat
Malaysia telah berjaya dalam indusri ini dengan bantuan daripada kerajaan.
Tuntasnya, industri pertanian ini mampu mengatasi masalah pengangguran dengan
menawarkan ribuan pelung pekerjaan.
Industri pertanian juga mampu
mengembangkan industri desa. Hal ini jelas terbukti melalui penubuhan industri
kecil sederhana (IKS) yang membentuk penduduk di luar Bandar untuk meningkatkan
pendapatan mereka. Baru-baru ini juga, kerajaan telah melancarkan program ‘Satu
Daerah Satu Industri’ yang memberi fokus kepada sektor pertanian. Pada ketika
ini sahaja, lebih daripada enam ribu rakyat Malaysia menceburi bidang pertanian
dengan bantuan Kemenriaan Pertanian. Pelbagai usaha telah dijalankan oleh pihak
kerajaan untuk membantu golongan luar bandar meningkatkan pendapatan mereka
melalui sektor pertanian. Sememangnya, berbudi kepada bumi pasti tidak akan
menyesal. Jelaslah bahawa industri pertanian ini dapat mengembangkan industri
desa dan menaikkan taraf hidup rakyat.
Sistem perhubungan juga mampu
dimajukan dengan sektor pertanian.
Sebagai contoh, semasa era penjajahan British, jalan raya telah dibina untuk
memudahkan mengangkut hasil pertanian ke pelabuhan. Negara-negara maju di dunia
juga terkenal dengan kemajuan sistem perhubungan mereka menerusi kegiatan
pertanian. Jika di Sabah dan Serawak, bentuk muka bumi yang berbukit bukau
menjadi rintangan untuk memajukan sektor pertanian mereka. Oleh sebab
negeri-negeri tersebut kaya dengan hasil hutan, pesawat ringan telah digunakan
untuk mengangkut hasil pertanian. Maka jelaslah bahawa industri pertanian ini
mampu memajukan sistem perhubungan di sesebuah kawasan.
Konklusinya, kepesatan industri
pertanian di sesebuah Negara akan membawa keuntungan yang besar kepada negara itu
sendiri. Tidak dapat dinafikan juga bahawa berkecimpung dalam sektor pertanian
ini memerlukan penjagaan yang rapi. Hal ini bertepatan dengan peribahasa,
berakit-rakit ke hulu, bersenang-senang kemudian. Ingatlah bahawa tiada apa-apa
dapat dicapai tanpa pengorbanan. Usaha kerajaan memajukan sektor pertanian
adalah selaras dengan wawasan 2020 iaitu menjadikan Malaysiasebagai negara maju
menjelang tahun 2020.
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